Over the ages, the Egyptian woman proved to be powerful and hopeful as she struggles in life to flourish with her family from the darkness to the light of life.
Nadya wakes up at 5:00 A.M in a house of bricks, and its roof is based on straw and wood panels. Nadya is a fighter woman, 49 years old, married. She has two boys and two girls and her husband works as a builder. She prays then begins her journey of life.
Her battle starts with feeding the cattle and extracting their milk. After that, she makes her home duties which includes preparing the food for her family and cleaning her house. Then, she uses a specialized machine to produce butter and cream to sell them to her neighbors and the big market in her village.
In 2018, Nadya knew about Al Tadamun through field coordinators who were promoting about Al Tadamun’s loans, so she decided to take a loan worth 3,000 to buy some poultry and animal feed.
“when I make good profit, I give the extras to my family” Nadya said.
Nadya supported her daughters in their marriage preparations and she said, “I wish I could build a flat for my son to get married because he is the only one who is always by my side.”
She advices every woman to exert efforts and to be grateful in order to achieve her dream.
Nadya ends her conversation saying “I always pray and thank God.”